Saturday, November 30, 2013

Andrea Toy Release Party

Andrea is coming to Atama
Release Party to be announced

Take this opportunity to collect a conversation piece and discuss the subject matter of fillicide.

Photos by Jonathan Stafford
Thank you Jonathan for the wonderful photos and coverage.

Mommies Dearest

Thank you Jamie and Vicente for the wonderful write ups on my I Love You To Death show.

Interview by Jamie Laughlin for the Dallas Observer

Article written by Vicente Adrian Lopez for Local To The Bone

Killer Night at Atama

Recap from the I Love You To Death show.  Thanks everyone for coming out and supporting me.  It was an amazing night,

Josh Romero Owner at Shop Atama.
Thank you for an amazing opportunity to show my work at Atama!
Photos by Jonathan Stafford

Me and Marlene Lopez
Photo by Vicente Adrian Lopez at Local To The Bone

Maggie Medina, Myself, and Lety Barrientos

Photo by Jonathan Stafford

Melody dressed in honor of my character Andrea, with my beautiful daughter Maya Gonzalez.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Andrea, Cute But Deadly Collectible

Watch Andrea come alive from a horrific murder story to a cute but deadly conversation piece.
We are often desensitized to media coverage about mother's killing their's time to confront the pandemic of fillicide.
Release Date early 2014.

Mad Love

I invite you to join the madness this November 22 at Atama, to exhibit my latest creations of horror that'll give you something to talk about at the dinner table.  Telling stories about squeaky clean mothers that have a secret to hide and their children that paid the price.  Let's pull the secrets out from underneath the freshly vacuumed rug and expose the secrets that these mothers kept before they snapped.